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Divine Mercy Healing Ministry

Thank your interest in Divine Mercy Healing Ministry of New Jersey!

We are followers of Divine Mercy and spread the Divine Mercy devotion.

We are directly affiliated with the Marians of the Immaculate Conception.

We are not Marians. 

Our goal is to bring the National Shrine to the forefront and the needs of the priest & brothers of

The Immaculate Conception to our members.

We are a verified merchant of Divine Mercy products and images and a Member of Click on the circle and you will see the instructions.

Divine Mercy of New Jersey, is committed to God, your needs and those family. Using Christian principles of spirituality, we offer practical tools for leading a joyous, abundant and peaceful life.

Wherever you may be on your spiritual path, at Divine Mercy of New Jersey you will find a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth.

We aspire to strengthen each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ at every point in their and encourage personal and spiritual growth through prayer, Bible study and active service in our church and community.

We invite you to become a member of our ministry - allowing God into your life through our various programs such as Healing Ministry Training, giving aid to those in need, supporting the Marians of the Immaculate Conception and community outreach (Prayer Cenacle) efforts. 









Divine Mercy Sunday Mass

will be at Saint Joseph's Parish

216 Comply Road Lincoln Park NJ

April 7, 2024, 2:00pm




Update January 12, 2024


Divine Mercy’s August Healing “MASS” will be held at:

Holy Trinity Church

408 Prospect St, Long Branch, NJ 07740


At 2:00pm

Due to Church priorities 

May 19th is Cancelled

June 9, 2024

July 14, 2024

August 11, 2024

September 8, 2024

October 6, 2024

November 10, 2024

December 8,2024


Divine Mercy will be at Saint Joseph's Parish 216 Comply Road Lincoln Park, NJ. Celebrant to be announced along with the Divine Mercy Healing The Mass will be celebrated in 3 languages, English, Spanish, and Polish. The Glove of Padre Pio along with other, relic’s will be available. Mass will begin at 2:00pm and the Homilist will be Deacon Vincent Ricciardi.

As I began to make this post I thought of what is going on in my life right now and I recalled both my vow to marriage and to Jesus Himself. I had vowed to be generous and follow Jesus and I have and I am and to those who want to throw stones bring it on, you are not stronger the Jesus and he is my protection. Words once spoken cannot be taken back, the Bell has rung! I don’t lie since no one pays me and I learned a long time ago you cannot remember a lie but the Truth is the Truth! And that is the way it is. Stay true to YOUR words they become YOUR vow! God bless you all and have a Great Week ahead

Do not be anxious: go straight on, forgetful of self, letting the spirit of God act instead of your own."

Saint Julie Billiart

"As St. Paul points out, Christ never meant that we were to remain children in intelligence: on the contrary. He told us to be not only ‘as harmless as doves’, but also ‘as wise as serpents’. He wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head. He wants us to be simple, single-minded, affectionate, and teachable, as good children are; but He also wants every bit of intelligence we have to be alert at its job, and in first-class fighting trim."

C.S. Lewis

 A sacred vow, once spoken, becomes a part of your existence forevermore.

 Speech is a vehicle for vows, but the sacred vows we speak are more than just words. When we make a promise, a subtle yet powerful shift takes place in our souls where intentions are housed. A vow is both a tool we employ in order to facilitate transformation within ourselves and an expression of will. Thus, to make an oath is to communicate to the world and our deeper selves our commitment to the principles most important to us. Fulfilling a sacred vow—whether it is as complex as "'till death do us part" or as simple as "I promise"—challenges us, exercising our willpower and aiding personal growth.

When we speak a sacred vow out loud rather than reciting it in our minds or recording it on paper, our voices project our promises into the deepest reaches of the universe. It is important that we remember that a vow made with the sincerest of intentions has the power to carry on past our earthly lifetimes. A well-chosen vow encourages commitment and dedication. The presence or approval of a spiritual teacher is not necessary to success, as true oaths are a product of the heart.

A sacred vow, once spoken, becomes a part of your existence forevermore. Your view of the world around you may change, and your predominant thoughts and feelings will no doubt evolve with time, but the spirit in which your oaths were spoken will remain unaffected. It is up to you to determine how you will stay true to your vows while your inner- and outer-world existence is transformed. Your strength and character will inevitably be tested as circumstances make keeping promises increasingly challenging, but after you have shown yourself steadfast many times, your appreciation of the sanctity of vows will be cemented in your mind and soul.

Pray for Our Priest Prayer for Priests: Most gracious Heavenly Father,We thank you for our faithful priests, bishops and deacons, whose spiritual fatherhood and example of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and devotion is so vital to the faith of your people. May our spiritual fathers be guided by the examples of Saints Peter and Paul, all the Apostles and their saintly successors. Give them valiant faith in the face of confusion and conflict, hope in time of trouble and sorrow, and steadfast love for you, for their families, and for all your people throughout the world. May the light of your Truth shine through their li their good works. Assist all spiritual fathers, that through Your Grace they may steadily grow in holiness and in knowledge and understanding of Your Truth. May they generously impart this knowledge to those who rely on them.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We have new programs which help raise funds to spread the word of Jesus and Divine Mercy.

If you have an account(s) at TD Bank let the teller know that you would like to be part of the Affinity Program. Our number is A1759. They will at the end of the year make a donation to us. This money comes from TD not your account. If you do not bank with TD Bank we will be given additional funds if you open an account with them. There is no cost to you, just sign up under Divine Mercy of NJ. Contact us for the form or more information.

Our Affinity Membership Program provides nonprofit organizations an easy way to raise money, and the more members who bank with us, the more money the organization can earn! There are no costs involved, and it actually pays the organization to belong. Cash contributions are given to organizations based on the activity of any member who may hold a bank account with TD Bank.

For more information, as well as any additional questions you may have, we ask that you please visit your nearest TD Store location, during lobby hours, to speak with a Customer Service Representative. To take a look at Store locations and their hours, please visit

If you're ready to enroll your organization in the Affinity Membership Program, you may also complete this at a Store location!

We hope this information was helpful, Ron, and have a great weekend! Any information provided is current as of the date and time indicated and is subject to change without notice. Please confirm by visiting your TD Bank Store, TD Bank Online Banking/TD Bank Business Direct or by speaking with Live Customer Service 24/7 at 888-751-9000.

Divine Mercy Election Held: July 2023

Let it be known, Let it be heard. The membership and Board of Director met

and held an election of officers, these are the results:

Director: Deacon Vincent Ricciardi

Deputy Director: Mrs. Anna Tracz


Board of Directors, Officers and Staff

Spiritual Director: Father Andres Ocampo

Team Coordinator and Events: Mrs. Diane Ferandino


Board of Trustees

Anthony Razzano

Lorraine Wehman

Amanda Salerno

John Viragh

Patrick Moran 


Community Directors

Lidia Wrazen, Polish Community

Dolores DeVine, T.D.Bank Coordinator

Joanne Armellino, Community of Saint Gerard

 Addiction Council

Officers of Divine Mercy

Treasurer, Veronica Jeffery

Secretary, Dawn Mansfield

Membership Director, Rose Viragh

Marketing Director, Joanne Armelino

  • Holy Trinty Church
  • 408 Prospect Street+
  • Long Branch, NJ 07740
  • 2:00pm 

Divine Mercy Healing Mass 


  • In a BILINGUAL Mass (English Spanish) Celebrated Deacon Vince Ricciardi and the Divine Mercy Ministry of New Jersey.
  • Mass begins at 2:00PM followed by the Exposition and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Healing Minister will be available
  • Iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad
  • Dirección: 408 Prospect St, Long Branch, NJ 07740
  • 6 de mayo de 2018
  • 3:00PM
  • En una Misa bilingüe (Inglés-Español) celebrada por el y el Ministerio de la divina misericordia de Nueva Jersey.
  • La Misa comienza a las 3:00PM seguida por la exposición y la coronilla de la divina misericordia. Ministro de sanidad estará disponible 

A Mass of Healing will be offered and the celebrant is Deacon Vince Ricciardi. The mass will begin around followed by the chaplet of Divine Mercy. Relic's will be available and Healing teams for your private prayers. Join us and receive a very special gift.

Please check the Events Page for updates

To see where will be visiting next, go to the Events page

Newly Re-Elected Officers


Deputy Director; 



Polish Community; 

Marking Director; 

Marking Assistant;

Team Coordinator; 

Spanish Community

Portuguese Community







Travel Company:  

Deacon Vincent P. Ricciardi Sr., KHS

Mrs. Anna Tracz

Mrs. Dawn Mansfield

Mrs. Veronica Jeffery

Mrs. Lidia Wrazen

Mrs. Joann Armellino


Mrs. Diane Ferandino

Silvana Silva

Lourdes Borba


T D Bank (Affinity Program # A1759)


Fair, Stern & Campbell




Michelangelo D’Ambrisi

Classic Travel Inc

Michelangelo Tours of Italy

2005C Bellmore Street

P.O. Box 216

Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755

Toll Free: 877-267-2307

Work: 732-531-7147

Fax: 732-531-4576

"Beginning spring of 2023 and into 2024

Healing Teams will be Traveling the United States"

Teams will consist of three members; one will be a Deacon or Priest. They will travel from Parish to Parish when invited to provide Healing Services or Mass. 

What is a Cenacle? It is a group of people who for song, prayer, and discussion on Scripture and the writings of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, known as the apostle of Divine Mercy. The revelations given to St. Faustina are excellent for spiritual growth and give a deeper understanding of our merciful Lord.

The Divine Mercy cenacle program was designed by the Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy (EADM), an apostolate of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Founded in 1996, one of EADM's goals is to spread the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the message of Divine Mercy, primarily through its Divine Mercy cenacle program.

For more information on starting a cenacle or joining a cenacle in your area, visit EADM online, or email us at . or go to our contact page.

Links to: Divine Mercy Organization:

sites of Divine Mercy

The Apostles of Divine Mercy:

What's Happening in the Diocese of Trenton 

Newark Arch Diocese

Diocese of Camden

Diocese of Paterson

(973) 777-8818

Diocese of Metuchen

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